Web Design
As part of our weekly lectures we are told to go away each week and read a different paper. The idea of this is to broaden our knowledge on certain areas so that we could potentially use this in our work in the future or even bring it up in conversation when talking to media specialist and future employers.
Paper 2:Annotated portfolios
—Bill Gaver
Goldsmiths, University of London | w.gaver@gold.ac.uk
—John Bowers
Goldsmiths, University of London | john.m.bowers@gmail.com
Paper 3:taking our sweet time to research
—Marian Dörk
—Peter Bennett
—Rosamund Davies
Paper 1:Circles and props-making unknown technology
—Arthur C. Clarke
Paper 4:Overcoming Procratination with ReMind

Paper 5:New Media, New Craft?
—Andrew Richardson
Paper 6:Distinguishing Concepts Lexicons of Interactive Art and Architecture
—Usman Hacque
Paper 7: Theory's and Practice of Design for Information systems: Eight Design Perspectives in Ten Short Weeks
—David G. Hendry and Batya Friedman
This paper talks about the OWL project which interrogates how we imagine new emerging technologies. It focuses on how we can support the emergence of radical new technologies that reflect and respond to our personal desires. This project asks people to think of an idea that hasn't been invented yet. All participants are given 15 minuets to think of a desire and then choose a material they are going to work with then build it. this forces the participants the think with their hands which expresses more creativity.
Mobile Apps
This paper was about annotated portfolios which are used to show the functionality of the design of a product and to collect similarities and differences between designs. when we discussed this paper in class we came to the conclusion that this paper was quite challenging to read as students, as we though it was probably published for professionals in the industry. we thought that the same ideas were spread out among the paper when they could have been shortened into a few paragraphs.
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This paper talks about how many of us in this age are using quick searches like Google to research on topics, however this paper describes how this dramatically limits the scope of your research as you miss certain areas. The writers of this paper encourage taking you're time to research and to browse many other sources so that people don't miss out on important information. When discussed as a class we decided that although we may miss certain information using these search engines, it is simply not convenient to be spending large amounts of time browsing other sources.
This paper looks at how to overcome procrastination. It focuses on ReMind which is designed to reduce procrastination by asking a participant to place their tasks on a wooden ring that acts like a clock, and turns throughout the day. If the participant doest complete that task in the day the object representing their task falls on the floor. The idea of this project is to help the user manage their tasks throughout the day, and when their task drops on the floor this gives the user a sense of guilt that they didn't complete the task. As students procrastination is very relevant to us however we decided that this probably isn't the best way to overcome it as it takes too much time, and we though people would loose patience with it.
Paper 5:New Media, New craft?
—Andrew Richardson

The writer of this paper discusses whether new technologies in the modern age are considered as a craft, like the more traditional methods. This paper doesn't write in a bias way as it provides arguments on both sides leaving it to the reader to make up their mind on whether new media is a craft or not. I think that new media is a craft however a very different type of craft to the more traditional methods.
This paper talks about how overtime words have changed overtime so that they can be used in modern equipment and software. it mentions that the observations of words depend on individual people, so many people see things differently. I think that although this paper provides us with some valuable points, personally I it is not something that engages me.
This paper talks about student design perspectives. Through a ten week course it introduces this pedagogical approach and describes eight design perspectives including readings, key questions, and activities. It concludes with lessons learned for positioning students to engage the interplay between the theory and practice of information system design. I quite liked this paper as it it fairly easy to read and it interacts with student encouraging them to be a part of design.
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Picture from paper 1
Diagram from paper 2
Picture of wooden ring used in ReMind- Paper 4
Picture from paper 6